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If you have any questions about La Sociedad or our Spanish courses which are not answered on this site, please contact us.
La Sociedad Hispanica de Hong Kong
Class Location
Conversation Level & Intermediate Level classes are held online via Zoom.
Beginner Level classes are held at St. Joseph’s Church in Central.
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If you have any questions about La Sociedad or our Spanish courses which are not answered on this site, please contact us
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any age limit for students taking class with La Sociedad?
Students should be aged over 18 or above as La Sociedad is an adult environment and the student is generally treated as an adult while La Sociedad does not accept any parental responsibility for the students.
Why is there a limit in the number of students for each level?
In view of the physical space of the classroom and to achieve maximum impact of learning, La Sociedad has to set the maximum number of students for each level.
Are the classes conducted in an online mode or face to face format?
Due to social distancing regulations, all classes of 2021/22 will be conducted via Zoom or similar technology.
How many classes are there in the course?
Normally, there are 30 sessions with 1 or 2 weeks’ break during Christmas, Chinese New Year and Easter. Each session runs from 6:45 pm to 8:30 pm.
How can I decide which level I should enrol?
If you could not decide which level to join, you may use the number of hours spent in learning Spanish as a general reference, e.g. 0-60 hours for Beginner Level; 120-180 hours for Intermediate Level and 180+ hours for Advanced/Conversation Level.
Can I change to another class after the start of the course?
If you feel that you have been placed in the wrong class, you may let one of the committee members know, and La Sociedad will do its best to move you to another group.
Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?
A certificate will normally be presented to students who have a reasonable attendance record of the course.
Apart from classroom learning, what are the other collateral activities organized to enhance my knowledge of the language and understand the culture of the Spanish speaking countries?
In the past, La Sociedad organized a multitude of activities ranging from welcoming reception, wine-tasting gathering, cooking class, cultural evenings and graduation dinner, etc. in addition to individual class activities throughout the course.